Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do Water Filters on Faucets Really Work?

Do Water Filters on Faucets Really Work?

Water Filter

Many people opt for the use of faucet filters. Not only are they less expensive than a full system filtration system, they are also easier to set up. But then, some people doubt its efficacy to really clean their water. So the question is, do they really work?

I can definitely vouch for the efficacy of faucet filters. If you compare the taste of water that is not filtered with one that has been filtered, the change is so dramatic. I can't imagine life without it.

However, that all depends on the quality of your filtration system. Like everything else, how they work or how much they work varies. It depends on whether or not you are using a competent filtration system.

To ease your worries, this industry is doing a great job in producing filters that can really clean your water and remove impurities, visible and non-visible. But of course, there are the rotten tomatoes. Your job is to know which one is good and which one is bad.

I know that task can be a bit daunting especially when you are not an expert in the water filtration business but I can help you out with that. Here are some of the highly rated faucet filters sold in the market today:

Culligan FM-15A Faucet Filter
This has received good ratings when it comes to its efficiency in removing the undesirables in water. It also dramatically lessens the odor in your h20. Gone is the smell of chlorine. Also, it effectively removes cysts such as Guardia and Cryptosporidium. What consumers admire about this filter is its durability. It can purify about 200 gallons of H20.

Instapure F2C Faucet Filter System
This is easier to install. Just mount and attach it to your faucet and you are good to go. It helps reduce the taste and odor of chlorine. There are no filters that can actually get rid of all chlorine content in water. The cartridge that comes with it can be easily replaced so you will save much and just invest in the cartridge after a few months.

Best Filters Counter Top Water Filter System
This one also received great ratings because of its ability to greatly reduce the odor and taste of chlorine. It uses carbon block so it is able to do that effectively. It can produce about 2500 gallons of water. That is equivalent to a year of clean water supply.

Why not try these filtration systems if you doubt the efficacy of the one you are using now? Try them and notice a big difference.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Homemade Water Filter - Video Response

Homemade Water Filter - Video Response Video Clips.

This is a field test of a very simple and inexpensive homemade water filter setup made from a recycled coffee creamer container, a Brita water filter and one 2 inch rubber O-ring. The setting for this test is beautiful Norway Lake located inside Puzzle Lake Provincial Park, Canada. Please rate this video. Thanks for watching! Please watch the original video by NCHiker1970 for full DIY instructions: Special thanks to NCHiker1970 for help with this video

Keywords: Brita, Water, Recycle, Econo, Challenge, Camping, Hiking, Fishing, Nature, Backpacking, Camp, Craft, Homemade, Filter, Purification, Purify, Potable, Drinking, Survival, DIY, Wilderness, Norway, Lake, Ontario, instructional video, Econo Challenge, crafts, educational, guide, hunting, How To

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Crystal Quest Water Filters Review - Get the Unbiased Truth Now

Crystal Quest Water Filters Review - Get the Unbiased Truth Now

Water Filter

How good are Crystal Quest Water Filters when you put them up against the larger and more popular companies? This is definitely not the first purifier company that comes to mind, so how good are they?

They are well known for their counter top purifiers. However, they also sell pitcher and faucet purifiers. They range in price from twenty seven to one hundred and thirty dollars, depending on which website you get them from. In other words, they are among the cheapest filters out there.

The twenty eight dollar pitcher Crystal Quest Water Filter is one of their more basic models, but this is still quite effective at purifying your water supply. It takes out over ninety nine percent of the chlorine, probably the most important element that needs to go.

It comes in a sleek small filter that goes well in any refrigerator, as it doesn't take up much room, and is able to purify two thousand gallons of water before needing replacement. Depending on your home size, this will probably last you for a half to a full year.

It is also capable of dramatically lowering the iron, mercury, copper, and other metal amounts, and it also gets rid of most of the lead and aluminum via ion exchange. It is known for also making the water taste and smell better, and lowers the pesticide level as well.

This Crystal Quest Water Filter was rated by a popular review magazine as the top purifier for two straight years, and if you are in the market for a water pitcher purifier, this definitely is one you might consider. It will not only save you money but save you the hassle of installing the purifier as well.

Of course, it won't do nearly as thorough a job as a faucet purifier or whole house model would, but if you just want a basic filter to improve the taste and smell, then this should do the trick.

The countertop water purifier is another popular model they sell. This one is made of stainless steel, and not only does it work well with your interior design (it needs to since it will be situated on the counter) but it's very simple to get set up, which can't be said for many purifiers today.

The filter will last you a long time, and you won't have to worry about constantly replacing it, like you would have t o with some models. It is capable of lasting you as much s ten thousand gallons before needing replacement.

The estimate on their website claims this will last you roughly one to three years, again depending on the size of your home. You can also get Crystal Quest Water filters that are capable of going thirty thousand gallons before needing replacement if you are willing to shell out the extra money.

It utilizes six different filtration steps, and comes with 1 micron filter capabilities. If you aren't aware of it, this is one of the lowest micron ratings you can get. This is good enough to get rid of the vast majority of impurities in your water supply. These are a couple of the more popular Crystal Quest Water Filters to look into.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Alkaline Water Machines

Alkaline Water Machines

Water Filter

What should you search for when buying an Alkaline Water Machine (Water Ionizer)? Are all products the same? Purchasing an Alkaline Water Machine is a large purchase. My wife laughed at me when I first got one and pointed out that it was more expensive than the car she drives, which was a Hyundai Accent at the time. I then pointed out that she doesn't like expensive cars, but that's besides the point I want to make today. You will spend a lot of money to get an Alkaline Water Machine that can benefit your help. These machines range from ,000 on the low end to as high as ,000 on the high end. When making such a big purchase, you need to be very informed especially since this is not currently everyday technology like a computer or car. This machine is a technology with tremendous health benefits that not many people know about. Due to the lack of knowledge on Alkaline Water Machines, many people are mis-informed.

So what are the most important features that you need to look for when shopping around? There are two main components: the filter and the plates. The filter obviously filters the tap water so that it is drinkable. As most people know, the tap water that comes into our faucets is less than adequate. That is why so many people drink filtered water from bottles. The filter is just as important as the plates, but it is much less expensive. The plates ionize the water changing the pH level and Oxidation Reduption Potential (ORP). The plates are what provide the added health benefit to alkaline drinking water and are also very crucial parts of the Alkaline Water Machine.

Every water ionizer has a filter. What you want to look for is a carbon based filter with possibly a mechanical filter as well. Any other type of filter is usually just hype. You will often see 10 part filters with all types of materials in the filter. These types of filters will usually produce more harm than good. When shopping around I recommend making sure it is a good filter that is replaceable and carbon based. it should be the same type of high quality filter that you could buy stand alone to just clean your tap water if you didn't want the alkalinity changed.

Every Alkaline Water Machine also comes with multiple plates. The plates are usually platinum plated titanium. The platinum is what makes the machine so expensive. At the time of writing this article platinum was being sold for 55.29. That is a lot of money. With the dollar currently losing value, platinum is getting more expensive each day. So why do they use platinum on Alkaline Water Machines if it costs so much? Well, science shows that platinum is the best conductor of electricity needed to make water ionization work. It also lasts the longest so your machine does not breakdown right away. Some machines that use Platinum can last for 15 to 20 years. When shopping around, do not consider machines that use any other material to plate the titanium. That includes gold, white golder, or silver. Only platinum can produce the results needed to produce water with a high pH and ORP.

The other important part of the plates that needs to be researched in detail when shopping around for an Alkaline Water Machine is the size of the plates. When the plates are not big enough, there usually is not enough surface area to produce a measurable health benefit in the water. Many cheaper machines use plates that have 10 to 100 times less surface area than the more expensive Alkaline Water Machines. If the cheaper machines produced the same results it wouldn't really matter, but they usually don't. The cheaper machines usually produce lower pH alkaline water with a lower ORP. pH is calculated with 7 as normal drinking water and anything above 7 as alkaline. Anything below 7 is acidic. For good health benefits from the water, you want the alkaline water to be at 8.5 to 9.5 pH. Almost all machines can produce that, but even more important is the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). The ORP is measured by milliVolts (mV). The more negative the ORP, the better it's anti-oxidant properties. Cheaper machines with smaller plates usually produce high enough pH levels, but the ORP levels are not high enough to produce any measurable health benefits. When shopping around, make sure that you personally test the ORP levels on the machine at 8.5 to 9.5 pH and make sure they are around -400 mV to -1000 mV. If not, then you are wasting your money.

So, when you go out to buy your own Alkaline Water Machine, make sure that you look at the filter and that it is carbon based. Also, make sure that the plates are platinum plated titanium and large, and make sure that the ORP levels are high enough. If you follow these guidelines when shopping around for an Alkaline Water Machine, you will make a good buy.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why Filtered Tap Water Is Better Than Unfiltered Tap Water and Bottled Water

Why Filtered Tap Water Is Better Than Unfiltered Tap Water and Bottled Water

Water Filter

What kind of water do you drink? Bottled? From the tap? Are you concerned about the purity of the water you drink? Do you worry about chemicals in your water? Are you thinking of buying a water filter, but don't know which type to buy?

Drinking good old H2O is likely the single most important thing we can do for our health. Just a 2% drop can cause dehydration and reduce our physical and mental performance. Without it we would perish in just a few days. As important as water is, many of us worry about the purity of the water we drink, and it that weren't enough to worry about we now must consider the environment when making choices about water.

Purity and environmental sustainability are what matter when it comes to making smart choices about water. So let's take a look at tap, bottled and filtered water more closely.

Tap Water

Tap water is there for all of us to drink thanks to our public utility systems. We just turn on the tap and out it flows. If you've lived or traveled in a country where there is no clean public water, you will understand what a blessing tap water is! It is safe to drink, however, because of the earth's hydrological system, the same water is recylcled over and over again, and because we humans have introduced over 75,000 toxic chemicals into this system, the purity of our tap water is questionable. The many chemicals we use in our everyday lives inevitably wind up in our water as do chemicals from industry and agriculture.

Bottled Water

Is bottled water really pure and is it sustainable? Hardly.

40% of bottled water comes form the tap, the same stuff you draw from your own tap at home. There is very little regulation for bottled water so it is difficult to be certain about what you are really getting. Bottled water is also expensive. Or rather the marketing of it is expensive and this is what people pay from to a gallon for. It is bad for the environment. The production (and recycling) of plastic bottles and the transportation of water, sometimes from across the globe, produce large amounts of CO2. This is unnecessary and harmful to the environment.

While not all bottled water is bad it is on the whole is an expensive convenience and not good for our environment.

Filtered Water

Water filtering systems take our sustainable yet imperfect public water systems and turn them into a safer and sustainable option and free flowing filtered water from your tap costs only pennies a day.

Filter systems fall into two categories: carbon filtration and reverse osmosis. Carbon systems are thought to be very effective at removing contaminants and are very good value for money. Reverse osmosis systems claim to be the most effective and are somewhat higher priced. Makers of carbon filters claim that reverse osmosis systems should not be used because also remove healthy minerals.

Both carbon filtration and reverse osmosis systems can be installed at 'point of use' (right at the tap) or at the main water line ('whole house' system). Only carbon filters are available as 'pitcher water filters' (like Britta systems). These are cheap and practical, but are the least effective in removing impurities.

Water is absolutely essential for good health and for our survival so if the only water you have is unfiltered from the tap, by all means drink it! But in our own homes we can make wise choices and when choosing between tap, bottled or filtered water, filtered is the best option.

Filtered water is the healthiest most economical and environmentally friendly water we can drink.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

A Guide to Shower Filters For Hard Water

A Guide to Shower Filters For Hard Water

Water Filter

You may want shower filters for hard water, but you also want to remove hazardous chemicals that vaporize during a hot bath. In the enclosed area of the bathroom, we inhale these chemicals and scientists believe that increases our risk of cancer.

You also want to remove chlorine, if it's present. Chlorine also vaporizes and inhalation is irritating to the sinuses, as well as the entire respiratory system. The chemical vapors are known to trigger asthma attacks. That's one reason that indoor swimming pools are closed if chlorine levels climb too high.

The best shower filters for hard water combine ion exchange to balance mineral content and soften. This step also removes traces of metals like lead and copper that seep in from the pipes. Metallic traces dull the hair and exposure to lead is never safe.

Granulated carbon will remove chlorine and some of the other chemicals, but a process called adsorption is needed to remove as many chemicals as possible. Specifically, it removes chlorination byproducts. Those are the ones that cause cancer.

The prices of shower filters for hard water vary greatly. Believe me. You don't need the most expensive product on the market to get the best performance.

Some people recommend reverse osmosis. That's an expensive and largely unnecessary step, even for drinking water filtration. It also creates gallons of wastewater and there are no units specifically designed for your showerhead. You'd have to get one for the whole house.

Whole house filters are sometimes a good idea, but generally speaking, your showerheads and your kitchen faucets are most important. There's no particular reason to filter the waters for the toilet or even the laundry. You can always add water softeners to the laundry.

Some people recommend a brand called Wellness. There's no real reason to go to that expense, either. They make some scientific claims that they can't back up with hard evidence. There biggest claim to fame is that they are supposedly used in the number one health spa in the world, but I couldn't verify that, either.

The best shower filters for hard water have been evaluated and rated by Consumer Reports. The company provides certified product performance data before you buy. The cost of use is pennies a day and the replacement filter lasts a full six months.

In case you have a hard time remembering when it's time to change your filter, the company offers automatic shipment and discounts for signing up. There are many ways to save money. Buying direct from the factory is one easy way.

You want a product that is easy to install and unlikely to leak, simply to avoid frustration. If you're tall, you also want one that does not reduce the height of the showerhead.

The right shower filters for hard water will protect your health, as well as prevent that scaly build up on your bathroom fixtures. Just be sure to shop carefully, so that you don't end up disappointed.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

pond filter

pond filter On YouTube.

one fix by crystal clear wil keep your pond looking like this for months with a good pump and filter.

Keywords: Pond Pond, California filter, clear water, turtles, fish

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

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my koi pond fast n accessible congenital allotment 1 On YouTube.

my fist koi pond project//please check out my new design filter 5 in1 low maintenance,

Tags: my, koi, pond, fast, easy, built, part-1, koifish, koipond, koipump, koifilter, koifiltration, pump, evolution, es, 3500gph, extermalpump, external, filter, filtration, home, made, how, to, build, fishpond, liner, 45mil, Firestone, epdm, bulkhead, 55, gallon, drum, waterfalls, clear, clean, water, pondpump, garden, blocks, cements, rebar, cementpond, skimmer, for, diy, bigpump, quitepump, bigfish, above, below, ground, gravelfilter, foamfilter, biofilter, building, construction, design, vijver, koivijver

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ford 351 Windsor Small Block Engine - Water in Oil Mystery

Ford 351 Windsor Small Block Engine - Water in Oil Mystery On YouTube.

Behind the scenes of "Basic Engine Building" DVD A special internet only treat from the producers of the BoxWrench Series! Basic Engine Building DVD - Behind the Scenes: Small Block Ford 351 Windsor Diagnosis We gonna show you some never before seen footage from the filthy Ford 351W we pulled out of a boat. BoxWrench Director Brent Bye recaps the story of discovering the engines problem and what ensued as the tear down process proceeded. Basically salt water was leaking into a cylinder head thru some hidden steel water plugs that only these small block 351 W motors have. Being a marine engine they needed to be replaced with rust proof brass plugs. After running for 5 years the water eroded holes straight thru them. Water pressurized from the water pump was squirting into the cylinder heads right onto the rocker arms, valves and valve springs, ultimately all the way down to the oil pan and crankcase. It all made out for a surprising tear down. This particular Ford 351 Windsor marine motor was fully rebuild on camera in the "Basic Engine Building" DVD. Even a catastrophic blown engine like this can be rebuilt with the proper knowledge and tools. The BoxWrench Series is designed to give you that knowledge and let you have fun with it. The full DVD with all of the interactive menus, Tools section and engine Glossary terms is available here... New Transmission DVDs and a Differential Rebuilding DVD just added. BoxWrench DVD Store: store ...

Keywords: Ford, 351W, Windsor, small, block, engine, building, repair, marine, boat, motor, rebuild, video

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Fluoride and The Pineal Gland

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland On YouTube. The single animal study of pineal function indicates that fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity. Whether fluoride affects pineal function in humans remains to be demonstrated. The two studies of menarcheal age in humans show the possibility of earlier menarche in some individuals exposed to fluoride, but no definitive statement can be made. Recent information on the role of the pineal organ in humans suggests that any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease. SOURCE: National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards. National Academies Press, Washington DC p221-22. "In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation." SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 177.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Make Iodine from an Alkali Metal Iodide, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide

Make Iodine from an Alkali Metal Iodide, Hydrochloric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide On YouTube.

How to make iodine from an Alkali metal iodide, hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Warning: This reaction makes small amounts of chlorine gas and should be performed outside or in a fumehood. Our previous iodine making video: Simple get some potassium or sodium iodide and dissolve in a minimal amount of water. Then add an equal amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Check this new volume and measure out five times more 3%hydrogen peroxide. Mix together the two solutions and let stand for ten minutes. Filter the iodine. You can then purify by vaporization and crystallization. Our website

Tags: DIY, make, iodine, hydrochloric, acid, potassium, sodium, iodide, chemistry, home, science, experiment, project, hydrogen, peroxide

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Filtered Tap Water

Filtered Tap Water Video Clips.

We offer a large variety of drinking water systems such as bottled water alternatives, whole house filtration products, kitchen and shower filtration products and accessories.

Keywords: counter top water filter, under sink water filter, whole house water filter

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are Everpure Water Filters the Best Quality?

Are Everpure Water Filters the Best Quality?

Water Filter

Are Everpure water filters the best quality or the best price? If effective contaminant removal fits your definition of quality, then some of their models are of good quality, but not the best.

It is easy to see that the company does not offer the best prices. Their least expensive model costs 9.99, does not remove THMs, VOCs or other cancer-causing chemicals and replacement cartridges cost over 0. Other systems remove all of those things and more, with models costing 4.99 and replacement cartridges costing . It's kind of a "no-brainer".

The Everpure water filters that do provide effective contaminant removal (those that reduce THMs and other cancer-causers) cost nearly 0. Why so much? One reason is the inclusion of a reverse osmosis step. Technological advancements have made this step an unnecessary expense, but some manufacturers still include it.

At one time, reverse osmosis was the best way to remove cysts and lead. It was used in areas where the mineral content was high, arsenic was present or salt was a problem. But, Everpure water filters were not designed for use in rural areas that might have these kinds of problems. They were designed for use by people that are serviced by a public treatment facility.

Reverse osmosis does not remove the cancer-causing chemical contaminants mentioned above, so Ever-pure and companies like them added additional steps to address those issues. They still don't use the most advanced technologies, though, so their prices are high.

Today, even the least expensive systems on the market will remove cysts. You only need to shop for a system that is certified to filter down to one micron. The best systems filter down to a half a micron. Cysts, as you may know, cause waterborne illnesses that can be deadly to those with poorly functioning immune systems. They are tiny parasitic creatures that are resistant chlorine and other disinfection methods.

Inexpensive systems will also remove lead, using ion exchange. If you compare product performance data, you will see that some systems remove more than 99% of all traces of the hazardous heavy metal. Ion exchange also improves the taste of your water, by exchanging metallic ions for sodium and potassium ions. It makes your water taste like it came from a spring. Many bottling companies add these minerals to improve the taste.

Water from systems that include a reverse osmosis step is relatively tasteless. To most people, it makes them think of old or stale waters. Our taste-buds recognize freshness by recognizing the taste of minerals. We prefer cold water, because it is less likely to contain bacteria.

Everpure water filters only reduce lead by about 98%. The company documents state that lead is reduced to the "federal action level". That level is not considered safe for regular long-term consumption. No amount of lead, regardless of how tiny, is safe for consumption.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Linear PVC Hydraulic Ram Pump

Linear PVC Hydraulic Ram Pump On YouTube.

This is a recent version of a PVC ram pump that I first developed in about 1991. It is very low profile to avoid damage during high water, and can run under water 24/7 since the air is separated from the water in the air chamber - no need for a snifter valve. This pump can raise water to a height at least 15 times the fall (drive head). Of course, the output tapers off the higher you pump. All of the components are very simple and inexpensive but have proven themselves over millions of cycles. This particular installation is to feed two slow sand filters under test in the house in the background. (See my other Ram Pump video for the updated version of this pump)

Tags: Hydraulic, ram, pump, hydram, thump, impulse, appropriate, technology, AT, bomba, de, ariete, water

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koi pond bootleg beneath than 0 Video Clips.

how to build a koi pond less than 0. 4'x8' landscape timber.

Tags: koi, pond, water, garden, above, ground, inground, landscape, timber, external, filter

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Discount Brita 35214 Base Faucet Filtration System

Brita 35214 Base Faucet Filtration System Review

Sale Price : $16.95

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Brita 35214 Base Faucet Filtration System Overview

It's so easy to switch from filtered to unfiltered water with an On Tap faucet filtration system. No need for the toolbox to attach or change the filter plus an added filter layer traps sediment so you don't see it in your water.


Available Stores

$16.95 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Singularity Extreme Danger Den Triple 360mm Radiator Water-box

Singularity Extreme Danger Den Triple 360mm Radiator Water-box On YouTube.

I have had this Danger Den Triple Radiator Water-box for a number of months now and it has featured in quite a few videos, I have never actually dedicated a video to it though and gone over the specifications in detail. So that is what this video is about. The design and build quality of this water-box is excellent, it fits 3x360mm radiators, which means 9x120mm fans. Its designed to fit the entire active part of your water-cooling system, outside of your computer case, so radiators, pumps, fans, etc. I have designed my water-box to be multi purpose and extremely high performance. If you enjoyed this video please Subscribe, Favorite and give it a thumbs up. Danger Den Triple Radiator Water-box Product Page:

Tags: Danger Den, Waterbox, Watercooling, Liquid Cooling, Singularity Computers, Review, Specifications, Tour, Details, Build, PC, System, Computer, Pump, Radiator, Tubing, Coolant, Fittings, Quick Disconnects, Bitspower, Koolance, Feser, Swiftech, MCP655, Mod Kits, Dual Pump Top, Custom, Acrylic, Perspecs, Enermax, Magma, Fans, 120mm, 360mm, Triple Radiator, NZXT, Fan Controller, Black Sparkle, Compression Fitting, Bitspower Fittings, X-Station, LED, Red, Dust Filter, demci Flex

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mercedes Sprinter - How to Change Diesel Fuel Filter

Mercedes Sprinter - How to Change Diesel Fuel Filter On YouTube.

How to change the Diesel Fuel Filter in a Mercedes Sprinter 311 CDI 2.2 Turbo Diesel Van

Tags: Diesel, Fuel, Filter, Howto, Change, Mercedes, Benz, Dodge, Sprinter, Van, Turbo, yt:quality=high, Cold Start, Service, Tutorial, Fix, How Do I, Merc, Commercial, Village, Show Me, Sensor, 311, CDI, Panel, LWB

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Extreme Raw Power Centrifuge | Filtering Oil | Utah Biodiesel Supply

Extreme Raw Power Centrifuge | Filtering Oil | Utah Biodiesel Supply Video Clips.

Here's our third video of the Raw Power Centrifuge in action. Learn more about the centrifuge here: See Video #1 See Video #2 The Extreme Raw Power Centrifuge can run at up to 6000 RPM to filter your oil blisteringly fast! Manufactured by WVO Designs, it's made to clean vegetable oil extremely well (clear down to 1 micron!) In this video we do an overview of the components and then show the centrifuge filtering oil. Thanks for watching! Utah Biodiesel Supply

Keywords: WVO, Designs, Centrifuge, Filtering, Oil, vegetable, utah, biodiesel, supply, svo, filters, 6000, rpm, ac, drive, alternative

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Monday, November 7, 2011

How A Whole House Big Blue Water Filter System Will Keep Your Family Safe From Bugs And Diseases

How A Whole House Big Blue Water Filter System Will Keep Your Family Safe From Bugs And Diseases

Water Filter

Big blue water filters come as single units or can be used in a whole house big blue water filters system. The whole house water filter system consists of main filter housing and at least one filter cartridge.

If you are concerned about your water then you should really go for a two filter housing installation which will give you two levels of filtration and protection.

The first filter will be for larger bits of sediment and the other will deal with smaller viruses and chemicals. Why you should get a filter system.

What Is In The Average Tap/Faucet Water In Your Household?


In March 2008 the Associated Press published reports found various pharmaceutical compounds in the water supply. Your municipal water treatment facility cannot deal with 100% of these chemicals.

Microbial Cysts

Microbial cysts can enter your water from animal or human fecal waste. Cryptosporidium commonly found in lakes and rivers may enter your water supply. These microbial cysts cause nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal illnesses and stomach cramps if not cleared from your system effectively.

Agricultural Pollutants

Agricultural pollutants are the run-off form herbicide and insecticides from the agricultural industry that can be dangerous to your health.

Common pollutants are toxaphene which can cause liver or kidney problems. Then there is simazine, atrazine and carbofuran which can cause anything from cardiovascular and reproduction problems to blood and nervous systems disorders.

Sediment (Rust)

Sediment such as sand and dirt can come from soil runoff, while rust can come from corrosion of steel and iron pipes from your own pipes or water main. If there are too many of these particulates in your water it can cause nausea, cramps and diarrhea.

Peace Of Mind

The beauty of a whole house big blue water filters system is that special filters can be added if you have these types of problems in your home water supply. They can be used to remove iron, bacteria, hydrogen sulfide or other chemicals in your water supply.

A whole house big blue water filters system can filter anywhere between 10,000 to 100,000 gallons of water between filter changes; it all depends on how many contaminants you have in your water.

There is a pressure release button that will tell you when the filter is spent and you need to swap it out for a new one.

The Work From Point Of Entry Into Your Health

The way big blue water filters system work are as a point-of-entry (POE) system. This means the water from your whole house is safe to drink as water is filtered from the main line as it enters your house.

If you want to protect your family; especially the young and old who are most at risk if your water system has any type of contaminates then big blue water filters can be the peace of mind you are looking for.

Big blue water filters come in all shapes and sizes and there will be one that will suit your and you family's needs. This will be able to keep you and your family safe from bugs and disease.

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RO/DI Setup in Laundry Room

RO/DI Setup in Laundry Room Video Clips.

This is my RO/DI unit that installed in my loandry room. I use RO/DI water for my saltwater aquarium, and Drinking water(RO only).

Tags: MVI, 2154

Compost Tumbler Instructions

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Best affairs Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter

Best affairs Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter On YouTube.

Click here to get up 18% OFF: Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter Water treatment products are in high demand for outdoor enthusiasts, international travelers, and relief agencies. Few are better for long-lasting continuous use, however, than the Katadyn Pocket water microfilter.

Tags: katadyn pocket filter, katadyn hiker microfilter, katadyn water purifier, katadyn pocket, katadyn base camp, katadyn mybottle, katadyn survivor 35, katadyn water filter, katadyn hiker, katadyn vario

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

RV Black Water Holding Tank Flush Kit

RV Black Water Holding Tank Flush Kit On YouTube.

This video clip from RV Today deals with flushing the tanks. Stew Oleson and Bill Gehr show you a way to flush your tanks right from the holding tank so you dont have to stick a tube down the toilet. Be sure to consult a professional about your rig model, to ensure the best way to install new flush valve.

Keywords: RV, Camping, Motorhome, Black Water, Grey Water, flush Kit

Waring Juice Extractor Jex328

Friday, November 4, 2011

Aquasana Water Filter Installation Video

Aquasana Water Filter Installation Video On YouTube.

Heres a video of the installation of the Aquasana AQ-4000 water filter. You can also see the water filter videos at

Keywords: Aquasana, Water, filter, filters,

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Very Big Minecraft Mob Trap

Very Big Minecraft Mob Trap Video Clips.

This is an effective mob trap which took ages to build and some time to record / filter sound / encode / upload. So please take the time to leave a comment or something :) It harvests loads of gunpowder, feathers, string, and arrows. I usually get about 150-200 loot in an hour based on a 20 minute idle in the collection point test. It's similar to the trap explained here by colbycheeze: But with several changes, generally in dimensions and such. Also the corners of the trap weren's sucking in items so I filled them with cobblestone so the monsters fall in the water next to them. Here's an outtake when I tried to film at night and got attacked by spiders: Don't forget to comment, rate, and subscribe! Thanks guys. Painterly pack:

Keywords: creeper, gunpowder, tnt, zombie, feather, skeleton, arrow, spider, string, cow, leather, chicken, pig, pork, bacon, coal, iron, gold, diamond, redstone, cobblestone, smoothstone, lightstone, lava, water, bucket, sword, pick, axe, shovel, spade, cactus, dirt, grass, sand, glass, jallen

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fukushima amend for today 6/1/11

Fukushima amend for today 6/1/11 On YouTube.

unexplained flashes on the live video feed (near reactor 4) were also seen during the night TEPCO TBS Livecam Simulcast 6-1-2011 10-31-32 AM Great link here: Fukushima Day 83 - Oil spill NOW discovered?...AND Gov'ts answer for protection from radiation? Watch theTEPCO Livecam AND the TBS/JNN Livecam Exclusively Here! Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis 隠された被爆労働〜日本の原発労働者1 video about people who have worked in nuclear power plants and how it affected their lives CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT: The Containment of Fukushima IMPORTANT NEW LINK ABOUT THE HISTORY OF TEPCO AND THEIR LIES It has been confirmed that there are 29 cases of falsification, which were related to damage in many parts of the reactor pressure vessel such as core shroud, jet pump, access hole cover, feed water spurger, on-core monitor housing and others... PLEASE SIGN this link to PETITION for EPA to MONITOR BETTER food, air, water, etc. 【Bilingual@English】 Recovery efforts Workers internal exposure radiation FUKUSHIMA FRIGHTENING VIDEO BELOW, FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR CRISIS UPDATE - BREAKING DEVELOPMENTS FRIGHTENING VIDEO BELOW, FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR CRISIS UPDATE - BREAKING DEVELOPMENTS Yakuza sending Cleanup Workers to Fukushima link to article to the above video: www.godlikeproductions ...

Tags: Fukushima, update, for, today, 6111

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Monday, October 31, 2011

AquaBlox Instructions for Rainwater Harvesting Systems

AquaBlox Instructions for Rainwater Harvesting Systems On YouTube.

Manufactured using recycled materials, the Aquascape AquaBlox™ D-Raintank® is a lightweight structural component developed through years of research and development. Here we learn how to assemble and utilize these components in a RainXchange Rainwater Harvesting systems. Learn more at PRODUCT FEATURES * High Capacity 95% void space maximizes water storage. * Modular Easily create any shape and size reservoir to meet the projects requirements. * Use Valuable Space The tanks are installed underground preserving the look of your home & garden. * Strong Structural Design Designed for car loadings up to 38 psi * Easy to Transport The tanks are efficiently shipped as unassembled panels thereby reducing shipping cost. * Lightweight and Quick to Install No need for cranes or heavy lifting equipment! Assembled and installed by hand.

Keywords: conservation, water conversion, water recycling, water storage, water recycle, rainwater recycle, rain water, rain water catchment, rain water garden, rain water storage, rain water tank, water reuse, rain water reuse, environment, water garden, gardening, landscaping, aquascape, aquablox, water conservation, home improvement, Installation, rainwater harvesting, aqua03, howto, how to, assembly

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Exo Terra: Aquatic Terrarium by John Duenas

Exo Terra: Aquatic Terrarium by John Duenas Video Clips.

DO YOUR REPTILES FEEL AT HOME? This is for the Exo-terra contest. -AQUATIC- Exo terra terrarium . Reeves Terrapin (chinemys reevsii), Chinese golden thread (ocadia sinesis)This is my families aquatic turtle terrariaum. The two turtles are housed with a chinese water dragon, and also small koi. We started with water dragon almost two years ago and added the turtles about 10 months ago to the enclosure. They live very well with one another. You can see the DUAL waterfalls we have in there. One is a waterfall and filter creating a pondless effect, the other being just rocks held up by magnets on walls, with a strategically placed filter/pump providing the water flow. The other big effect is the exo terra fogger in the corner providing the fog and adding further humidity to the terrarium. There are various branches and vines throughout the enclosure. Exo terra hanging plants add a great accent to the enclosure, also covering unsightly wires and hoses. Music By Dream & Kanye West, Walkin on the moon Thanks for watching and dont forget to vote for our terrarium!!!

Keywords: Exo, Terra, Reeves, Terrapin, chinemys, reevsii, Chinese, golden, thread, ocadia, sinesis, PT-2614, Terrarium, Cabinet, Fogger, Compact, top, Sun-glo, Night-glo, Hanging, plants, lettuce, floating

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Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit

Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit

Product Brand : Coffee & Filters Direct

Model : 5076


Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit

Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit

Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit

Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit Overviews
This tank allows you to hook up a direct water line connection. Simply remove your old tank and install this one. Instructions included. This does not include the water line, filter, or plumbing fittings.

Keurig B150 Direct Water Line Plumb Kit Features
  • Allows for a direct water line connection
  • Works with the B150 Brewer
  • Does not include filter, water line or fittings
  • This tank allows you to hook up your own water line directly to the Keurig B150 Brewer

Pizzelle Machine

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Great Price Nano Energy Cup Portable Water Alkaline pH Enhancer - Ionizer - Silver

Nano Energy Cup Portable Water Alkaline pH Enhancer - Ionizer - Silver Review

Click To Buy Best Price from Amazon

Product Feature

  • Increase pH level generally 1.0 to 2.0 level increases, Produces low negative ORP (generally 200mv)
  • Filters your water of chlorine and other contaminants
  • Provides natural far infrared ionization, hydrogen ions help eliminate active oxygen (free radicals)
  • 7.87 inches (20cm) tall x 2.75 inches (7cm) diameter, Approximately 1 lb (empty)

Product Overview

Nano Energy Cup Portable Water Alkaline pH Enhancer Increases the pH level and filters your drinking water The Energy Cup is portable, attractive, reusable and convenient for travel, camping or everyday use. The Energy Cup, while technically not a Water Ionizer, filters your water and uses natural elements to increase pH levels of your water. The Energy Cup uses 13 types of minerals in its filter. The Primary contents include - " Tourmaline Stone - introduces a natural form of Far Infrared Ionization (FIR) that helps to reduce surface tension and has a slight ionization effect " Zeolites - a rare group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and a natural, negative magnetic charge. Zeolites can absorb and retain heavy metals and toxins allowing safe passage out of the body without re-absorption " Maifanshi - found in valley streams that are rich in porphyritic pea gravel. Traditionally, maifanshi has been used as a general health medicine in Asia because or its ability to absorb toxins and supply many trace minerals. In the Energy Cup, maifanshi helps to clean and mineralize and ionize the water. " Other Ingredients include Muyu Jade Clay, Nano-Silver Powder, and Kaolin earth Summary Benefits - " Filters your water of chlorine and other contaminants " Increase pH level of water - generally 1.0 to 2.0 level increases " Can help improve your systemic acid/alkaline balance " Provides an abundance of negative ions " Can help increase your hydration by reducing molecular cluster size " Produces low negative ORP (generally 200mv or higher) - providing powerful antioxidant potential " Provides natural far infrared ionization " Supplies active hydrogen ions - helps eliminate active oxygen (free radicals) " Produces smooth tasting water Specifications - " Attractive Stainless Steel construction " 7.87 inches (20cm) tall x 2.75 inches (7cm) diameter " Makes approximately 2.1 Pints (.5L) " Weight - Approximately 1 lb (empty) "

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Herbal Plant Remedies : Herbs: St. John's Wort for Depression

Herbal Plant Remedies : Herbs: St. John's Wort for Depression On YouTube.

The St. John's Wort herb treats depression better than many pharmaceutical antidepressants, and it can be prepared as a tea steeped in boiling water. Use St. John's Wort to alleviate depression with tips from a nutraceutical supervisor in this free video on herbal remedies. Expert: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra Bio: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra is a nutraceutical supervisor in Bio Neutrix, NY She has done clinical studies in herbs from Micro Logix Lab, New York. Filmmaker: babai das

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Watts Premier (101013) VOC Carbon Block Filter - MPN - Watts Premier VOC Carbon Block 101013

Product Brand : Watts

Watts Premier (101013) VOC Carbon Block Filter - MPN - Watts Premier VOC Carbon Block 101013

Watts Premier (101013) VOC Carbon Block Filter - MPN - Watts Premier VOC Carbon Block 101013
Watts Replacement Water Filter - Specially formulated 1 micron VOC Carbon Block filter.NSF Certified for the reduction of VOCReduces harmful Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) such as MTBE's, Lindane, Atrazine, Benzene, 2, 4-D, and others from your drinking water For use with Watts Premier WP-4V/ WP-4V5-50 reverse osmosis water filter systems

Watts Premier (101013) VOC Carbon Block Filter - MPN - Watts Premier VOC Carbon Block 101013

  • Replacement Filters Replacement Water Filter
  • Activated Carbon
  • 0

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Front Load Washer Troubleshooting - Clean Pump Filter

Front Load Washer Troubleshooting - Clean Pump Filter Video Clips.

Your front load washer pump can become clogged with small items. This may cause vibration, long cycle time, washer pauses, or locked door. Follow these tips to clean out the pump filter. More tips at

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fuel from Water H2O

Fuel from Water H2O On YouTube.

Convert your car to BURN WATER !! You Can Drive Around Using WATER as FUEL, 100% water cars are still on the drawing board - but I'm excited to show you how you can start RIGHT NOW to Convert Your Car to BURN WATER as well as Gasoline - to Double Your Mileage, Did you know that you can convert your car to a water-burning car? This is a Do-It-Yourself, very affordable (under 0) and EASY technology. Water is supplemental to gasoline - I boosted fuel economy by 107% (=more than double the mileage) in my blue Toyota Corolla shown above (61.13 MPG in Sep.2007). In other words, now more than half the energy comes from water... SIMPLE to install/remove: the solution you've been looking for! Boost performance while preventing smog. We even have for you a dozen blueprints for 100% water cars. Converting water into hydrogen to fuel a vehicle. Increasing fuel milage from 20-44% while increasing engine performance.

Tags: fuel, h2o, gas, energy, hydrogen, magdrive

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cheap Pentek S1

Pentek S1 Whole House Filter Replacement Cartridge Review

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Pentek S1 Whole House Filter Replacement Cartridge Overview

The S1 cartridges are manufactured from a pleated cellulose media and are designed for general water filtration purposes. The PENTEK-S1 cartridges are economically priced and highly effective at reducing sediment particles down to 20 microns in size making them an ideal sediment filter for a variety of applications.

Available Stores

R.C. Worst & Co.
$3.95 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Fridge Filters, Inc.
$3.99 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Monday, October 24, 2011

LiveAquaria Tour - Filtration Systems |

LiveAquaria Tour - Filtration Systems | On YouTube.

Tour the advanced filtration systems at LiveAquaria's Aquaculture Coral and Marine Life Facility in Rhinelander, WI

Keywords: reef aquarium, coral, filtration

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A Guide To Whole House Water Filter Replacement Cartridges

A Guide To Whole House Water Filter Replacement Cartridges

Water Filter

The vendors who carry whole house water filter replacement cartridges cater to those customers who have a whole house system. This is a filter system that connects to the main water line going into a home. The typical connection comes before the point where the line splits, sending part of the line to the hot water heater.

When a homeowner has a this type of water filter system then all the residents of the home can enjoy access to clean and pure water in the kitchen, the laundry and the bathroom. Of course that access remains a benefit of residence in the same home only one overriding condition-the homeowner takes the time to get replacement cartridges.

As any homeowner thinks about investing in a filter system for the entire house, he or she might have a few questions. Frequently homeowners ask this question: Can I use this filter to get pure water for the plants in my garden and the grass on my lawn?

The homeowner must examine the blueprint for the house, in order to obtain an answer to that question. The homeowner needs to learn where the city's main water line splits into a "house" line and a "yard" line. Of course, no garden or lawn can receive filtered water if a homeowner fails to purchase the needed whole house water filter replacement cartridges.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) applauds homeowners who invest in a whole house filter system and also make the effort to get the necessary filter replacement cartridges. A survey done by the EPA in 2001 showed that 82,655 city water systems in the U.S. had unsafe drinking water.

Water safety experts at in the EPA know how the drinking of unsafe water can affect the health of those who remain unaware of the dangerous substances in that water. Sometimes water contains radioactive contaminants. When the residents of a home drink water with those contaminants they increase the likelihood that they could develop cancer.

If city water contains antimony, and if that water enters a home unfiltered, then the residents of a home could have rising cholesterol levels or falling blood sugar levels. If city water contains arsenic, then it could cause the unsuspecting city residents who drink that water to have unexplained skin damage or circulatory problems.

If a city water system contains barium, then the physicians in that city might find that a number of patients have a rising blood pressure level. Were those same physicians to inquire about the use of water filters in the home, they could probably link those rising blood pressure levels to the absence of a whole house water filter.

Having emphasized the importance of a water filter for the whole house, this article needs to offer help to those who plan to purchase whole house water filter replacement cartridges. Those who go in search of such cartridges should know exactly what size they need. Cartridges have varied lengths. The most commonly used cartridges have lengths of 5 inches, 10 inches and 20 inches.

Those in search of replacement cartridges should also know that there are three basic types of filters. Some come with sediment pre-filter; some have a high flow carbon filter. Homeowners can also buy a house filter with both sediment pre-filter and a high flow carbon filter.

Any homeowner with a water filter system for their residence should become familiar with the available sources for these replacement cartridges. Only the regular replacement of such cartridges can insure the purity and the good taste of water in a home. Only necessary replacements can guarantee the functionality of carbon filters with an ion exchange and of micron filtration.

The homeowner who has purchased a whole house water filter system has made a safe choice. The homeowner who, in addition, regularly takes the time to get whole house water filter replacement cartridges has made the safest choice.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maintaining a Tankless Water Heater

Maintaining a Tankless Water Heater On YouTube.

Tankless water heaters are great at saving energy. But, to maintain that energy efficiency, it is important to flush mineral deposits from the unit about once a year. This is easier and less costly than you might think, Matt Risinger of Risinger Homes (a High Performance Green Builder and Remodeler in Austin TX) shows us how.

Tags: Rinnai, Takagi, Rheem Tankless, Tankless Maintenance, Flushing Tankless

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scotsman ADS-AP2 Double Filter Water Filter System

Scotsman ADS-AP2 Double Filter Water Filter System

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Scotsman ADS-AP2 Double Filter Water Filter System

Scotsman ADS-AP2 Double Filter Water Filter System
Features: Leaves no off-taste or odor in ice, Filtration process reduces particles in water, decreasing water-related maintenance calls, Anti-microbial media reduces growth of algae, bacteria and mold that cause slime in ice machines, For use on cubers with over 650 pound capacity and flakers and nugget machines with over 1200 pound capacity.
Scotsman ADS-AP2 Double Filter Water Filter System

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 23, 2011 06:48:21 ***

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Brita Water Filters Have an Impressive Track Record But Are They the Best?

Brita Water Filters Have an Impressive Track Record But Are They the Best?

Water Filter

Brita water filters have been around for over 40 years. The company, a family business, was started back in 1966 although its origins date back even further than that in England.

They have been at the forefront of water filtration technology for both the domestic and commercial markets. They are a world famous name and one of their most famous products is the Brita filter jug, pitcher.

This jug has been providing safe water for families for many years and it also has a good track record eliminating disease causing bacteria by 99.99999%, this includes Cholera, Salmonella, Typhoid, E. coli,and others. It also removes parasites and cysts by almost 100% and reduces heavy metals such as aluminum, lead and mercury by up to 95%. It also removes Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs, to below detectable limits.

It is also known to remove radiological elements such as Radon 222 and improve the taste & odor of the water as well as removing chlorine, rust, pesticides, herbicides etc. making your water crystal clean and clear.

However one of the draw backs of brita water filters is the cost of filter replacement although the initial outlay of the pitcher is less than the up keep of the filters runs to about 0 per year as each filter only filters up to 100 gallons and at a cost of per replacement you will easily go through 10 filters a year, 0.

On the other hand the top brand of water filter that is a counter top unit and that can also filter out THMs and METBE, both highly dangerous chemical by products and carcinogenic gasoline additive, that the brita filters can't remove, in addition to the same and greater filtration capacity can cost a mere 4.99, which may seem like a lot more money but when you compare that the yearly running costs are only 2 filters at .00 each, , you will be making savings almost immediately.

I always used to use a brita water filters but since I have had the top branded unit installed I find not only am I saving money but I also have the assurances that all the damaging contaminants in my water are filtered out even those few that even brita filters cannot remove.

For more information on safe water visit my website today.

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