Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Alkaline Water Machines

Alkaline Water Machines

Water Filter

What should you search for when buying an Alkaline Water Machine (Water Ionizer)? Are all products the same? Purchasing an Alkaline Water Machine is a large purchase. My wife laughed at me when I first got one and pointed out that it was more expensive than the car she drives, which was a Hyundai Accent at the time. I then pointed out that she doesn't like expensive cars, but that's besides the point I want to make today. You will spend a lot of money to get an Alkaline Water Machine that can benefit your help. These machines range from ,000 on the low end to as high as ,000 on the high end. When making such a big purchase, you need to be very informed especially since this is not currently everyday technology like a computer or car. This machine is a technology with tremendous health benefits that not many people know about. Due to the lack of knowledge on Alkaline Water Machines, many people are mis-informed.

So what are the most important features that you need to look for when shopping around? There are two main components: the filter and the plates. The filter obviously filters the tap water so that it is drinkable. As most people know, the tap water that comes into our faucets is less than adequate. That is why so many people drink filtered water from bottles. The filter is just as important as the plates, but it is much less expensive. The plates ionize the water changing the pH level and Oxidation Reduption Potential (ORP). The plates are what provide the added health benefit to alkaline drinking water and are also very crucial parts of the Alkaline Water Machine.

Every water ionizer has a filter. What you want to look for is a carbon based filter with possibly a mechanical filter as well. Any other type of filter is usually just hype. You will often see 10 part filters with all types of materials in the filter. These types of filters will usually produce more harm than good. When shopping around I recommend making sure it is a good filter that is replaceable and carbon based. it should be the same type of high quality filter that you could buy stand alone to just clean your tap water if you didn't want the alkalinity changed.

Every Alkaline Water Machine also comes with multiple plates. The plates are usually platinum plated titanium. The platinum is what makes the machine so expensive. At the time of writing this article platinum was being sold for 55.29. That is a lot of money. With the dollar currently losing value, platinum is getting more expensive each day. So why do they use platinum on Alkaline Water Machines if it costs so much? Well, science shows that platinum is the best conductor of electricity needed to make water ionization work. It also lasts the longest so your machine does not breakdown right away. Some machines that use Platinum can last for 15 to 20 years. When shopping around, do not consider machines that use any other material to plate the titanium. That includes gold, white golder, or silver. Only platinum can produce the results needed to produce water with a high pH and ORP.

The other important part of the plates that needs to be researched in detail when shopping around for an Alkaline Water Machine is the size of the plates. When the plates are not big enough, there usually is not enough surface area to produce a measurable health benefit in the water. Many cheaper machines use plates that have 10 to 100 times less surface area than the more expensive Alkaline Water Machines. If the cheaper machines produced the same results it wouldn't really matter, but they usually don't. The cheaper machines usually produce lower pH alkaline water with a lower ORP. pH is calculated with 7 as normal drinking water and anything above 7 as alkaline. Anything below 7 is acidic. For good health benefits from the water, you want the alkaline water to be at 8.5 to 9.5 pH. Almost all machines can produce that, but even more important is the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). The ORP is measured by milliVolts (mV). The more negative the ORP, the better it's anti-oxidant properties. Cheaper machines with smaller plates usually produce high enough pH levels, but the ORP levels are not high enough to produce any measurable health benefits. When shopping around, make sure that you personally test the ORP levels on the machine at 8.5 to 9.5 pH and make sure they are around -400 mV to -1000 mV. If not, then you are wasting your money.

So, when you go out to buy your own Alkaline Water Machine, make sure that you look at the filter and that it is carbon based. Also, make sure that the plates are platinum plated titanium and large, and make sure that the ORP levels are high enough. If you follow these guidelines when shopping around for an Alkaline Water Machine, you will make a good buy.

seychelle water filter bottle

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