Friday, October 7, 2011

Food Prep for the Lazy, Late and Cheap Part Five: Water and the Myth of 8x8

Food Prep for the Lazy, Late and Cheap Part Five: Water and the Myth of 8x8 Video Clips.

REFER to remarks critical updates and corrections. The water is important ... But do you really know how much you need? Myths abound ... We bust 'em! Scientific American article:

Tags: Water, H2O, filter, agua, Food Prep, prepper, survivalist, food, storage, freeze, dried, TVP, Mountain, House, beans, rice, lazy, late, cheap, philosophy, cooking, recipe, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, WROL, zombies, spam, longterm, 72, hour, kit, preparedness, emergency, supply, ration, MRE, mylar, thrive, freeze dried, dehydrated, sugar, flour, making, baking, recipes, healthy, educational, health, beef, cuisine, science, camping

sofa reupholstering

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