Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waste-water dripping - removal of organic matter in waste water treatment

Waste-water dripping - removal of organic matter in waste water treatment

Water Filter

Drip is the supply of biomass growth on a solid surface on which waste water flows in thin sheets, the nutrients for the microbial community.

The biochemical reactions are similar to those in activated sludge, which have a rich mix of:

* Eukaryotic
Prokaryotic organisms *

Drip filter wastewater containing these higher life forms, such as:

* Nematodes
* Rotifers
* Screw
* Sludge worms
* Larvae of insects
*Filter Fly (psychoda)

The complex food chain that allows a water-drip filter system, complete oxidation of organic matter and reduced numbers of organisms in excess (sewage sludge). The microbial film grows in thickness, due to the increased hydraulic shears and the development of an anaerobic layer near the solid ground. Reactions anaerobic organism release. Algae can also grow on the upper surface. However, they do not play a significant role in waste managementStabilization of waste water percolation.

Even as a filter for waste water dripping, trickling filter beds are similar to the construction in contact, but allows constant aeration and the action is continuous. The name is misleading, since the biological unit without filters or infiltration. The main function of a water-trickling filter is unstable, to remove organic materials in the form of finely divided solids and dissolved organic solids and oxidation of theseto form biologically stable. The biological process is involved in a wire due to the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the filter medium. The film is composed of zoogleal made slime, viscous gel-like substance that bacteria and other living beings in the filter drips. Wastewater flow rates with favorable environmental conditions.

The mucus absorbs and uses suspended colloidal and dissolved organic matter from wastewater. Although classifiedan aerobic treatment unit is the aerobic microbial film at a shallow depth of 0.1 to 0.2 mm. While the bottom, a greater depth is anaerobic. If the waste water flows through the film, is the soluble organic substances rapidly adsorbed on the surface of the colloidal organic metabolism. Since the matrix biota, are removed from the wastewater trickling filters with more or less rejected partially decomposed organic matter. This rejection of the material may occur periodically, as in a normal rate ofFilter or continuously at a high rate filters.

The essential features necessary to make the process are:

(1) Sufficient space must be made available for biological growth.
(2) free oxygen must be extracted in the acreage available for dissolved oxygen from the liquid layer to fill.
(3) of sewage, industrial waste, in particular, must be accessible to biological treatment.

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